Saturday, January 3, 2009

The quit smoking cold turkey method

The quit smoking cold turkey method

The quit smoking cold turkey solution is very popular and though it has a bizarre name it the solution that very influential people adopt. The method is very straight, without any preparation just stop smoking, after this quit smoking cold turkey decision is taken what it matters is that the mind be stronger than the desire to smoke. The more enduring you are the bigger chance of success. The quit smoking cold turkey name refers to something done without preparation, just like a cold turkey, since with the quit smoking cold turkey method, there is no gradual dicrease in the level of nicotine. Studies showed that this solution works and helps many smokers determined enough to succeed.

The quit smoking cold turkey solution is the most popular quiting method because almost any smoker that tried to escape from addiction has turned to it. Though it is easy to try, the difficult part comes in terms of success, which is why many people appeal to drugs and other alternative methods that help them quit. To improve the success rate for the quit smoking cold turkey method the following guide lines must be respected. Understand that in the first days following the quit smoking cold turkey decision you will feel very irritated and tired, the good part is that after several days the severe irritability will pass. Drink a lot of water, this will help your body flush toxins. Take a chewing gum or candy whenever you fill the need for a cigarette, take a walk or do some exercises whenever you feel the craving. All this are small tips that can help you succeed in using the quit smoking cold turkey method.

Calling a friend when you feel like smoking is another suggestion that can help the quit smoking cold turkey method, if you don't have a friend that can really help, you may attend some groups of ex-smokers, they will give you all the needed advice and will support you in overcoming all the encountered difficulties. The quit smoking cold turkey method is free and this is why so many try it, but the fact is that people associate this drastic solution with a superhuman determination and self control. Those who succeeded in quiting using the quit smoking cold turkey technique are powerful people that always succeed in what they set as a goal, for them failure isn't an option. - Advertise your Products for FREE

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Which is the best stop smoking product?

Which is the best stop smoking product?

A stop smoking product is a nicotine replacer, this medication does help a lot, in fact studies showed that using a stop smoking product will double your odds to quit smoking. Almost all the stop smoking products are over the counter and don't require a prescription but it is advisable to ask for the doctor's opinion or at least read the cautions on the label.

One of the most appreciated stop smoking product is the nicotine patch, it slowly releases an amount of nicotine into your body on a longer interval of time. There are patches designed for any kind of smoker so finding the right option is relatively easy in terms of choosing a stop smoking product. The bad thing with patches is that they can cause itching and irritations, they also may give insomnia or other sleep problems. To avoid night anxiety most patients remove the patch.

Another stop smoking product is the nicotine gum, it is usually made of “polacrilex”; this stop smoking product has the advantage of keeping your mouth busy while supplying the needed amount of nicotine into your blood. Nicotine gum is recommended by most doctors as a three-month treatment, and it has the normal side effects associated with stop smoking products.

Then come the nicotine lozenges, they are much like a candy and each one melts in about 20 – 30 minutes. This stop smoking product is discreet and may be acquired without any medical prescription. As side effects associated with this stop smoking product we could mention nausea, hiccups and heartburns as the most commonly encountered. A general warning for both nicotine gum and nicotine lozenges is that they can get fixed on dental works so don't use these products if you have dental problems.

Another appreciated stop smoking product is the nicotine inhaler, the good thing with this solution is that it can be used only when needed and it keeps both your mouth and hands busy. Don't try inhaling the vapors into the lungs as they are absorbed rapidly in your mouth and throat. This stop smoking product can cause throat and mouth irritations or even coughing.

The nicotine nasal spray is another highly popular stop smoking product as nicotine is very quickly absorbed by the body, this alternative works faster than any other. Nasal, sinus and throat problems can appear so use this product carefully. If you need more help with your quit-smoking programs visit The greatest stop smoking product is the one that suits you best, if you feel comfortable using a product and you actually see results in a short period of time then keep using it and get a healthier life style.

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Stop smoking naturally

Stop Smoking Naturally

No drugs, no patches, gum or other nicotine-based products, then how can one stop smoking naturally? Many scientists point out that those who take the challenge to stop smoking naturally actually get into the toughest experience of their lives. There are two ways to do so. You can either cut off cigarettes now and for good or you can lower the nicotine intake according to a pre-established plan. Let's have a closer look at these two stop smoking naturally ways and see how efficient they prove. Those who want to stop smoking naturally are usually against other substitutes or are simply unwilling to expose themselves to other symptoms such as dizziness, sleep disorders or headaches that are often associated with them. For the cold turkey stop smoking naturally solution, chances of success are lower and you'll see why.

First of all, if you want to stop smoking naturally and gradually it is good to make a plan and stick to it by all means. By this I mean that you'll have to constantly reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. In order to stop smoking naturally, you'll have to support your body by other means, compensating for the absence of nicotine. For instance, reduce stress, and you won't feel the urge to smoke so much. You can stop smoking naturally by increasing the amount of sweet fruit you eat a day, since less nicotine means less sugar in the blood. The fructose you'll get from the diet should compensate, without exposing you to overweight risks. Then you may also support the stop smoking naturally determination by plenty of physical exercises and good body hydration, since thus you eliminate toxins from the system.

In case you choose to stop smoking naturally but abruptly, you'd better be ready for some rough times lying ahead. Unless you master yourself very well and stick to the decision not to smoke, you may not succeed. However, statistics show that this way to stop smoking naturally is highly traumatic for the body since the nicotine withdrawal brings a whole range of cravings. The battle to stop smoking naturally will get you through anxiety, depression, increased stress, headaches, sweating, low energy levels, irritability and so on. You may ease the cravings when you try to stop smoking naturally, by hydration, alternative relaxation methods, lots of physical exercises and even counseling. Good luck!

Stop smoking help

Stop smoking help

If you want to quit and you've promised yourself so many times that this is the last cigarette you'll ever smoke, but every time you fail again and again, it's time to ask for some stop smoking help. This method you are trying is called “Cold Turkey” and as the name suggest it means quitting suddenly and never returning to this habit without any stop smoking help. Though it may seem brave to do something like this very few succeed. Without stop smoking help very few smokers would quit smoking for good since they are facing the craving problems. The mortality factor is huge among smokers, 4 million people die every year from smoking-caused diseases. Though the number may seem terrifying think that over a million succeed each year in quitting, so if you try and turn to a stop smoking help program you can also be a winner.

Maybe you've tried quitting before and failed, for some unknown reason you didn't find the right stop smoking help. The main idea is not to give up. Most of the ex-smokers tried several times before managing to quit for good. Using stop smoking help and advice you increase significantly your chances of success. When talking with ex-smokers you can regain confidence and find support in difficult moments so don't hesitate to open to suggestions. Statistics report that a person that tried several times before to quit smoking and didn't succeed has a higher chance to make it next time with the correct stop smoking help. Pregnant women need all the stop smoking help they can get as the baby's health is at stake also. A high percentage of the children that are exposed to second hand smoke suffer from asthma or other respiratory disorders so if you ever think about quitting now is the best time.

Stop smoking help programs show many people where to start, and how to deal with cravings and stick to a cigarette-free lifestyle. Lots of stop smoking help is necessary to make a plan first, because the “Cold Turkey” method is too difficult for heavy smokers. To get professional stop smoking help find a specialist that can guide you with competent advice or you may get involved in some stop smoking help classes where ex-smokers come and try to assist any way they can. As most experts say the best stop smoking help comes from an ex-smoker so if you have a family member or a friend that quit smoking long time ago it is a good idea to spend as much time with him or her as possible.

The best quit smoking product

The best quit smoking product

Every smoker who wants to escape from this bad habit is searching for the best quit smoking product that will help. The “cold turkey” method is the most simple way to quit smoking, you simply stop smoking and face on your own all the side effects that will come. This solution is straight through and only the most convinced persons prove successful. For those smokers who find it too difficult to fight this battle on their own a large variety of quit smoking products exist. Finding the appropriate quit smoking product in each case isn't easy, each person must try each alternative until it finds the one that fits him or her best. Once you have decided over a quit smoking product you've just increased significantly your chances of getting healthier and living a better life.

Each quit smoking product has advantages and disadvantages, so think twice before choosing a treatment. You should decide to get help from your non-smoking friends and family because especially the first days are extremely difficult. Learn all you can about quit smoking products and see which one suits you best. Nicotine replacement therapy is one of the most appreciated ways of fighting smoking. It includes several quit smoking products like nicotine gum, nicotine patch or lozenges. This method has the advantage of replacing the nicotine from your body thus removing the side effects, in time, quit smoking products will help you reduce and finally eliminate the nicotine dose without any unpleasant symptoms that are usually associated with nicotine absence.

Natural quit smoking products exist and usually contain a mixture of plats that help detoxification of the body while preventing withdrawal symptoms. Zyban and Wellbutrin are quit smoking products that can solve your problem in a couple of months. These pills can be bought from any drug store but you will need a prescription from the doctor. There are also many quit smoking products more affordable but with a doubtful rate of success, they are based on self suggestion and other psychological methods that fight smoking. Don't choose any quit smoking product easily since you have to check the tolerance of your body system to any of the stimuli in the content of the quit smoking product. Otherwise you risk to alleviate withdrawal symptoms but not be able to get proper rest at night because of a simple nicotine patch for instance. Take good care!

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Laser treatment to quit smoking

Laser treatment to quit smoking

The laser treatment to quit smoking is one of the latest weapons against smoking, it uses a cold laser that is focused on several points on your body. It is related closely to acupuncture but it is a lot safer and with better results. The laser treatment to quit smoking has been successfully used all over the world, and in countries like England, Europe and Canada it has a history of 20 years. One of the best parts about this treatment is that it doesn't hurt at all, you will feel relaxed and comfortable. Many patients that accept laser treatment to quit smoking also think about the gaining weight problem. When nicotine leaves your body several changes occur that may cause extra weight accumulation. This side effect appears rarely and can be avoided easily with a proper diet and supplements.

Insurances don't cover laser treatment to quit smoking so make your budget plan before choosing this option. Results can't been assured by any quit smoking alternative because two factors are included in the laser treatment to quit smoking: the physical and psychological one. The physical problem can be eliminated 100% but you may still feel like smoking. A laser treatment to quit smoking won't change your diet to keep you from putting on weight, you will simply guided towards a change according to your life style and eating habits. Theoretically there are no side effects to laser treatment to quit smoking but there are some people that can't use it. The laser treatment to quit smoking is not recommended in cases of epilepsy, blood disorders, pregnancy, cancer or during chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If you are not sure of what anti-smoking treatment to use take a look on the Internet, and this site is a good start .

Laser treatment to quit smoking needs no previous preparations, but it is advisable to drink several glasses of water or natural juice and have some minerals and vitamins tablets to help your body recover. Supplements are needed because nicotine draws vitamins from the body when eliminated, this isn't a rule but it can prevent health problems. Laser treatment to quit smoking has a very good success rate and more than 64% succeeded in getting rid of the addiction. One of the most important factors that influence success or failure is personal determination in winning this battle against smoking. Laser treatment to quit smoking might not be enough if you don't change your life style, therefore try avoiding any events that might cause a relapse. If you decide to use a laser treatment to quit smoking and you will notice a good change in all the aspects of your life.

Easy ways to quit smoking

Easy ways to quit smoking

The problem with most smokers is that they wish to recover quickly from the nicotine damage, well I'm afraid there are very few easy ways to quit smoking. Easy ways to quit smoking exist but they are not as done-in-a-minute as they say and you will need a lot of determination and courage to succeed. The truth is that nowadays we need fast solutions to critical problems. Where can one look for easy ways to quit smoking? The most common answer would be on the Internet. High levels of stress are one of the biggest problems when you try to use easy ways to quit smoking and we must admit that usually our lives have a crazy rhythm. This is why I can't say that one single easy way to quit smoking really exists though theoretically there are alternatives. The cold turkey method is very disputed as some people have cured themselves using this technique while many others didn't find any relief.

I consider that the cold turkey is one easy way to quit smoking though it hasn't been confirmed yet to be highly effective. This is the theoretical easy way to quit smoking and it stands valid for those who smoke like twenty cigarettes a day. It also applies to someone that is highly-motivated by some external extreme factor. Once you feel your life at risk, you take the cold turkey method as one easy way to quit smoking. Therefore such easy ways to quit smoking do work but their effectiveness depends on lots of individual independent factors that vary from case to case.

It is normal to learn from the beginning that the easy way to quit smoking requires sacrifice and determination too. If you have a powerfully motivating factor like an illness caused by tobacco then your chances of success increase significantly. If you opt for one of the so called easy ways to quit smoking like acupuncture or over the counter treatments you considerably reduce the amount of the withdrawal symptoms. If you haven't decided yet which of the easy ways to quit smoking to try maybe surfing the web is a good idea and I would recommend to learn some tips for a healthier lifestyle. Keep in mind, however, that nothing works wonders and that easy ways to quit smoking also depend on you.

The best methods to stop smoking today

The best methods to stop smoking today

There are many ways to stop smoking today, these methods vary significantly from classical anti–nicotine treatments to herbal alternatives and even to hypnosis solutions. Smoking involves two separate problems: the psychological and the physical nicotine addiction. Once you've understood this you have a higher chance to stop smoking today. One of the most popular solutions against smoking is the use of nicotine replacements like gum or patches. These products can be easily found in any drug store, and doctors also recommend to turn to counseling in order to stop smoking today. Nicotine replacing products have a moderate rate of success in a stop smoking today strategy so they are a good start. Another way to stop smoking today is replacing your cigarettes with other ones containing less nicotine, this first step is normally followed by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked a day.

Another method to stop smoking today is to identify the triggers, what it is that makes you smoke. Once you know what favors your smoking habit, measures can be taken. The stop smoking today decision can work very well when you decided to quit smoking “Cold Turkey”. Also consider asking a non-smoker to help you like a family member or friend, they will give valuable support in your effort to stop smoking today. Another strategy to stop smoking today is that each time you feel like lighting a cigarette to think about the benefits of quitting and the health problems that smoking causes. Taking control over your live is not easy if you have an addiction, but trying is the best start. The most important thing is to redoubling efforts, never give up your plan and remember that it is only a matter of time until you finally escape from this deadly habit.

Finding the best method to stop smoking today comes sometimes naturally when there is enough positive determination. Many of those who stop smoking today, do it because of severe health problems. To eliminate nicotine cravings you'll have to try as many remedies as possible until you succeed. Unfortunately most non-smokers think that trying to stop smoking today is just a problem of will power. Nicotine is very, very addictive and most people don't understand what happens to a smoker when he or she tries to quit. A winning formula against smoking would contain anti–nicotine treatment, psychological counseling, educational information about the effects of smoking and a lot of positive thinking. So, stop smoking today!

Stop smoking pills

It is a common thing for people to prefer taking a stop smoking pill to trying a “Cold Turkey” treatment, the latter being based entirely on self control and very few succeed in it. Drinking a glass of water with a stop smoking pill is easy and appropriate for any active person. Some of the top stop smoking pills are Zyban and Wellbutrin, they are the classical treatments that most doctors recommend. These stop smoking pills when combined with counseling sessions can give very good results to most patients. Zyban is a favorite stop smoking pill known to be a first choice as it favors the blood cleaning by increasing circulation and stimulating several glands. This stop smoking pill will make a person feel like he or she has just smoked a cigarette. Most doctors say that these stop smoking pills fight against the physical problem by eliminating nicotine from the body, but they don't work on the psychological craving.

Any stop smoking pill must be taken at least for a week and the doctor's advice is crucial in this time interval to avoid any unpleasant side effects. The prescribed dose of the stop smoking pill usually varies from patient to patient. Several factors are to be taken into consideration, for how many years the person has been smoking, and how much he/she smokes a day, age and other health problems must be noted. Problems like dry mouth and insomnia are common side effects inflicted by any stop smoking pill but these unpleasant symptoms won't put your health in danger at all. Zyban is a powerful stop smoking pill and after repeated administration it will take about one week or more to disappear from the blood. People who suffer from stomach problems or any pulmonary diseases like bronchitis must avoid this stop smoking pill.

Stop smoking pills mustn't be administrated to people who are under antidepressant treatments as serious complications can appear. The most important fact when turning to stop smoking pills is that you must consult your doctor before administration. Newer and more complex stop smoking pills have appeared on the market that suppress the nicotine receptors from the persons brain so that if one smokes no satisfaction comes with it. For more information on stop smoking pills and remedies take a look on this site, you will find interesting facts that might help you escape from your smoking problems:

Stop smoking medication

Over the last decades more and more treatments have appeared against smoking, stop smoking medication is available in any drug store and can be prescribed by any doctor. People's perception about smoking and stop smoking medication has changed in time, one century ago smoking was thought to be a treatment against lung problems and until the 20th century it wasn't considered to be bad for the human body. If we refer to the stop smoking medication, a series of alternatives must be discussed, but first we should mention that the variety of treatments is caused by the fact that no stop smoking medication has ever worked the same way on two different persons. Classical nicotine replacements as stop smoking medication do their job well and help a lot of people pass the first months after quiting. Over the last years more complex stop smoking medication appeared and pills like Chantix offer a lot more than the classical solutions.

When a person smokes his/her body releases a substance called dopamine, this chemical is the cause of all the positive effects that a smoker feels. Stop smoking medication deals with the side effects of dopamine levels dropping. When quitting, the lack of dopamine from your body can cause depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia or any other related problems. More complex stop smoking medication work differently from a classical antidepressant that includes some nicotine to release a small amount of dopamine in your body. Modern stop smoking medication triggers a small release of dopamine into the body, thus avoiding depressions while, at the same time, blocking nicotine receptors from your brain. The blocking effect of this stop smoking medication help you in the scenario where you fail and smoke a cigarette, if the nicotine receptors are blocked the ex-smoker won't feel anything so it will be easier in the future to reject smoking.

Stop smoking medication if taken excessively can also have side effects so this is why many smokers appeal to natural solutions to fight back their nicotine craving. People who think about quitting smoking are usually very concerned with their health and this is why many of them don't want to turn to some stop smoking medication. A large variety of natural stop smoking medication exists on the market and it has a decent success rate. Doctors usually recommend alternative treatments in associations with normal stop smoking medication, in the first days classical pills are the favorite as they have a more powerful and faster impact on the body while plants usually react more slowly. In time the traditional stop smoking medication will be replaced by herb-based alternatives in order to avoid any side effects caused by chemicals.

Quit smoking support

Smoking is a very difficult problem to solve without good quit smoking support, a good plan is almost always needed when you aim at a nicotine-free life. Breaking this unhealthy habit isn't an easy task but it is not impossible either. The truth is that with quit smoking support millions have kicked the problem and now live a normal and healthy life. Many smokers simply neglect the risks involved and don't ask for quit smoking support; they are often the victims to heart problems or lung cancer. This happens because smokers aren't aware of the dangers they run, and they only find balance with professional quit smoking support. Statistics confirm that half of the people that smoke may die from a smoking-related illness. Smoking harms all the body organs and it simply reduces one's well being. Looking for quit smoking support may save your life!

Quit smoking support plans have a higher chance of success because the person will try to prepare for the upcoming problems. Many are still wondering today why it is so hard to quit smoking, the answer was given by specialists many times before, smoking is both a physical and a mental problem that can be solved with professional quit smoking support. Beyond the physical problems a quit smoking support program will help one face the psychological and the physical cravings. A quit smoking support solution will firstly identify the mental causes that trigger the need to smoke. Nicotine is the substance that causes unpleasant symptoms when trying to quit. Its withdrawal from the system is at the root of all the quitting crisis. Many health associations providing quit smoking support and instructions have concluded that nicotine is as dangerous as heroin and cocaine in terms of addiction.

When you smoke, nicotine reaches the brain within seconds and triggers several body changes like a small release of adrenaline and dopamine. Quit smoking programs will teach you how to deal with nicotine abstinence. The dopamine gives you the sensation of relaxation and satisfaction but it last only for two or three minutes when you will need another cigarette in order to relax again. For an increased chance to stop smoking look for suggestions over the Internet, a good place to start your search is where you will probably find good advice and quit smoking support solutions. The problem of smoking is easy to identify but harder to treat, this is why an effective quit smoking support solution is always needed for achieving your purpose of quit smoking.

Quit smoking help

Smoking is a serious problem for our modern society, very few smokers accept quit smoking help, as they don't see the effects that cigars and cigarettes have on their heath. It is a known fact that smokers face increased risks in contacting heart problems, emphysema and lung cancer. The truth is that without quit smoking help for your health life can become a real nightmare, so it should be to our best interest to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. Quit smoking help campaigns are present all over the world but they usually have little or no effects. All smokers suffer from the “Smoker's Denial” problem as all of them hope that they won't face the smoking problems and therefore don't need any quit smoking help. Most of them say that they will quit in time because sudden changes aren't good for the body.

The body fights back the nicotine with the quit smoking help of an enzyme that the body produces, which resembles an antibody. The more you smoke the more antibodies are produced in an effort to respond to the nicotine attack. The problem appears when the body doesn't receive the nicotine, then the antibodies won't have an enemy to fight and will fire back our organism, this is why smokers suffer so much from withdrawal crisis. Quit smoking help is needed especially in schools because more and more young children start smoking. Statistics confirm that more that four million peoples die every year because of smoking, this means that every 8 seconds somebody dies from nicotine diseases. Don't ignore quit smoking help programs, as they may change your life immensely. As a quit smoking help consider the multitude of illnesses that are inflicted by smoking: heart problems, strokes, emphysema, lung and oral cancer.

For those who need quit smoking help, try to turn to some good advice from someone who has passed through a similar situation. You will learn that you can yourself provide the psyche with quit smoking help. The perfect time to quit is right now, don't wait for your birthday or any other foolish moments, now it is the right moment, now you must quit. After you've decided to get rid of nicotine it is time to look for professional quit smoking help as fighting on your own may result in failure. A good place to turn to for quit smoking help advice is the Internet and is the best place to start looking for tips and solutions to your smoking problems.

How I quit smoking

How I quit smoking testifies to personal experience in the nicotine battle. Smoking is a serious problem that affects the entire world, more than 4 million people die every year from smoking illnesses, this means that every 8 seconds a person dies from smoking. Many scientists and doctors have concluded that the effects of nicotine over the human body are very similar to the problems caused by cocaine and heroine. How I quit smoking may be your story too. There is professional help found, and afterwards many people write their “How I quit smoking” story. It is a good thing to read and learn from someone else's experience, it helps a lot to see what difficulties one went throw and how he/she succeeded. Make the “How I quit smoking” experience a support for others.

The “how I quit smoking” scenario usually begins with “how it all started”. Most of the questioned smokers said that when young he/she thought it was cool. Others started smoking after an emotional problem and thought that if they start smoking they would feel better. Most smokers started when they were young, in there twenties and evolved from several cigarettes to a packet or more a day. Almost each ex-smoker that is asked the “How I quit smoking question” will answer something different because each body usually reacts differently to similar factors. This is why so many alternatives exist to quit smoking from the classical cold turkey method to the most weird solutions like hypnosis. People find it so hard to get to the “how I quit smoking” phase especially because of the psychological factor. Usually a person can eliminate the nicotine from the body and though side effects appear this isn't the biggest problem. How I quit smoking is personal! It takes time and lots of effort!

Reading “How I quit smoking” success stories can help a lot, but don't be fooled by those who sell you relaxation tapes, yoga courses or other alpha(relaxation) wave treatments. There is good advice that can be found on the Internet and is a great place to start searching. Real “how I quit smoking”stories always help, so if you need more support in your efforts against smoking join some ex-smokers discussion groups or forums. Any person that defeated this bad habit can answer the “How I quit smoking” question giving you encouraging tips you may need each time you feel like starting smoking again. Then you may be in the position of “how I quit smoking”! Good luck!

The best way to stop smoking

Finding the best way to stop smoking is something almost impossible because every person reacts differently to various stimuli or triggers so there are very slight chances for someone to come up with the best way to stop smoking that will help everybody. The fact is that any smoker who wants to quit must first have a strong reason to do so, it is almost impossible to find the best way to stop smoking unless you believe in it. If you ask ten persons who quit smoking what the secret is you will receive 80% different answers, this statistics simply shows how hard it is for science to develop the best way to stop smoking. So practically everyone is encouraged to use whatever methods necessary to eliminate this problem. As one best way to stop smoking, I've read about who wrote on a list all the reasons for quitting, thus every time the need for a cigarette appeared she simple took a look at the list and remembered how bad smoking is.

Many smokers turn to medication and discussion groups as the best way to stop smoking, some even choose to change all their life eliminating the activities that encourage smoking. Such decisions make the best way to stop smoking within a specific case, the chance to work the same way for another person is very low. For some people there are alternative best ways to stop smoking, which include spiritual practices that bring about inner balance and positive thinking. For those of you that are eager to try some sort of spiritual courses to recover your health, read all the information you find and always turn to a specialist for such sessions. When talking about classical medicine miraculous cures as the best ways to stop smoking don't exist, so you shouldn't believe claims that someone discovered the best way to stop smoking that works within a blink of an eye.

Many smokes fear to search for the best way to stop smoking in their case because deep down inside, they don't want to quit for a variety of reasons. The weight problem is the main argument, though in fact doctors showed that overweight is more a metabolism problem that nicotine-related one. Finding the best way to stop smoking is a challenge for everybody, it can be discovered more easily by people who have a stronger character, this is why many find quitting the hardest thing they've ever tried while others say that they simply quit without medication or any other help. If you like searching the Internet for solution you can take a look over it might give you some valuable information.

Stop smoking services

Though 70% of all smokers want to quit only 3 % succeed, as studies performed in USA revealed, the number may vary especially in Europe where stop smoking services are very active. Stop smoking services have been developed to help all those people who wish to quit but find it so hard because of the side effects and the cravings. A recent survey in UK showed that 30% of young women smoke. Health association are making desperate efforts to make mothers understand that their behavior is not affecting just them but their children too. Stop smoking services have extended programs not just to clinics but to schools too. Many become aware of the risk they expose their family to, and turn to stop smoking services for support. Most of the time stop smoking services are the solution for almost any smoker who wants to quit since succeeding on your own is harder than you could possibly imagine.

The problem with most smokers is that they don't seek help, they see smoking as something normal and not like an illness. Stop smoking services all around the world fight against this global problem but the success is really in the hands of each smoker. Nicotine patches, nicotine gums, nicotine lozenges, nicotine inhalers or any anti-nicotine products are promoted by stop smoking services. As any doctor suggests, the best method to succeed in the fight against smoking is to combine the anti-nicotine treatments with stop smoking services. Half of all smokers risk to die sooner because of their bad habit, and the problem is that in poor communities help won't arrive in time. The stop smoking services reported that 1% of all those who followed their advice but didn't take any medication stopped smoking.

Stop smoking services are present everywhere in the world and support is offered even in remote communities through telephone “green help lines”. Any smoker is recommended to turn to one of the stop smoking services because their staff always includes ex-smokers and their help is crucial. An ex-smoker advice is part of the stop smoking services and it is always appreciated by people who fight against this problem and doctors usually recommend that in the first days after you quit to stay around a person that quit smoking a long time ago. Moreover there are stop smoking services you can benefit from online, there are virtual groups where you deal with your problem and find the sympathy and the support you may need. Good luck!

Stop smoking patches

Stop smoking patch treatments have decent rates of success for those who want to quit; the quit smoking patch contains different quantities of nicotine assisting all kinds of smokers. A cigarette usually contains 1 mg of nicotine, so if you are used to smoking half a packet a day then it would be recommended to use a stop smoking patch that contains 14 mg of nicotine in order to help you. Using a stop smoking patch theoretically won't harm you in any way, it will simply supply your body the amount of needed nicotine while helping you get rid from the routines and habit of smoking. Normally a stop smoking patch costs between 2 and 3 dollars but in some US regions it might even be free, depending on the local anti-smoking campaigns.

The stop smoking patches cost varies not based on the amount of nicotine that they contain but on the size and nature of the adhesive that is used to hold the patch properly. As a cost-cutting technique some people buy stop smoking patches that contain a larger quantity of nicotine and cut them into smaller pieces. Producers say that in this way nicotine from the stop smoking patch won't be absorbed properly into the body but there isn't any solid evidence to support or disclaim their point of view. When speaking about the stop smoking patches efficiency we must say that less than 10% of the smokers who try them really solve their problem. If the persons are also well counseled the percentage hits 25%. Maybe the numbers aren't the best you've seen but with the proper life style, the effectiveness of stop smoking patches gets higher.

Statistics show that more than 22% of the smokers who have tried any form of stop smoking patch succeeded. So experts recommend them as being a cheap and good solution for any smoker who wants to quit this deadly habit. As possible side effects of the stop smoking patch we could mention increased level of dreams during sleep time but this was encountered only with the 24 hour quit smoking patches. In several remote cases the patient suffered death when combining a large number of patches with smoking and alcohol, in all reported cases the companies producing the stop smoking patches couldn't be blamed for the accident as the person didn't follow medical advice nor did he / she consider the warnings on the patch label. For more information about how to quit smoking visit or any other reliable source on the Internet.

Stop smoking in one hour

Commercials and advertising campaigns aimed at smokers who want to quit promise stop smoking in one hour. Nevertheless, since we know how strenuous the effort to quit is, one has to wonder how effective that could be. Can one really stop smoking in one hour? The hypnosis adepts say it is possible for one to stop smoking in one hour during a procedure where your subconscious is freed from the nicotine addiction. Most alternative therapy practitioners use the “stop-smoking-in-one-hour” kind of promotion to attract customers and prove that their methods really work. Moreover, they claim that one has almost zero chances of relapsing, since the smoking rejection is implemented at the deepest level of our mind. Plus, when you stop smoking in one hour, you don't run the risk of withdrawal symptoms.

If you search the Internet for stop smoking in one hour tips, you'll find plenty of testimonials of people who have improved their lives in sixty minutes. You don't have to take everything you read there for granted, feel free to go directly to clinics that use alternative therapies and specific programs meant to help you stop smoking in one hour. It may sound incredible, but there are cases of heavy smokers who used to have like a packet or more a day, completely recovered without the side effects of nicotine substitutes or the unpleasant craving symptoms. Therefore, for a smoker who wants to be rid of a bad habit in no time, the stop smoking in one hour offer is an advantageous opportunity.

There are all sorts of materials meant to assist you in the attempt to stop smoking in one hour. There are hypno-therapeutic sessions recoded on videos or DVD together with detailed instructions, which can be ordered online and used in the privacy of your home. Most of the stop smoking in one hour guides, play on relaxation techniques and slight forms of hypnosis, however, not everyone is pleased about being hypnotized by watching a video. Therefore, for anyone who'd rather have a stop smoking in one hour live session, it is good to find a professional therapist and check for his or her credentials before undergoing any procedure. You can even make several appointments and check on the various methods alternative therapies involve. Learning about the costs is a very important part of the issue too, so, be careful!

Quit smoking side effects

Most smokers who want to quit fail because of the quit smoking side effects, eliminating nicotine from your body is very hard and the battle can be harder than you think. Most quit smoking side effects are related to the blood sugar levels. Symptoms like inability to concentrate, dizziness or headaches may usually appear in the first three or four days. The quit smoking side effects are also called withdrawal symptoms and their intensity varies with each individual. All known statistics show that ex-smokers live longer and healthier than any smoker, and this should be a strong reason for anyone to quit. The battle with quit smoking side effects is tough particularly during the first days after quitting, you may feel irritable, confused, depressed or anxious. The cause for these quit smoking side effects is the reduced level of nicotine in the blood.

Some therapists recommend the use of nicotine inhalers, nicotine gums or patches since they release a small quantity of nicotine in the blood reducing the quit smoking side effects. Smokers who already suffer from depression or anxiety can hardly quit as they use cigarettes as a relief, in such cases psychological treatment is a must. Quit smoking side effects will be very hard to deal with for people with a stressful life, as nicotine has a relaxing effect on the human body. So in order to avoid severe quit smoking side effects the person should ask for professional help and attend ex-smoker discussions. Other quit smoking side effects which may appear include insomnia or putting on weight.

Specialists say that putting between 5 and 10 pounds of weight after you quit smoking is one of the normal quit smoking side effects. The weight problem is caused by the low levels of sugar in your blood. After smoking the nicotine passes into the blood in a matter of seconds releasing sugar reserves from the body, sugar is vital to the brain normal functioning. But the sugar passes from normal food to the blood in about 20 minutes. One quit smoking side effect is that you will feel the need to eat because your brain is asking for sugar. The problem that people don't understand is that no matter how much you eat the body will still need 20 minutes to pass the sugar to the brain, so theoretically it won't be a big difference between eating a candy or ten of them. To find out more about smoking side effects surf the Internet or simply visit .

Opinions against quit smoking by hypnosis

Smoking is one of the worst habits one may have, being addicted to nicotine is pretty much similar to being addicted to cocaine or heroine. Though many medical and scientific associations have underlined the similitudes between tobacco and cocaine no decisive steps have been made. There are many people eager to try such special methods especially if they are easy to implement. Alternative therapy has come up with quit smoking by hypnosis solutions. To quit smoking by hypnosis is a recent technique very contested by scientists as most doctors and scientists don't accept the idea of influencing the subconscious. Though quit smoking by hypnosis solutions are controversial there are some people that say they feel better, so based on their declarations this new quit smoking by hypnosis treatment gains more and more favorable opinions.

If you run a simple search you will find a multitude of quit smoking by hypnosis solutions over the Internet. Such quit smoking by hypnosis treatments contain a simple mp3 file that must be recorded on a CD or DVD and played several times. There are many people that buy them and say they feel better. However, at the exact opposite pole, there ore others who say they'd rather go to an exorcist than turn to quit smoking by hypnosis. The products are advertised as the extraordinary quit smoking by hypnosis mp3s. Maybe you've seen some shows where people get hypnotized and bark like a dog or any other animal. Those things are real, so be careful to what you listen, I have nothing against those who appeal to such drastic solutions I just say that they don't know to what they expose themselves.

Those who turn to quit smoking by hypnosis usually have tried other untested methods like yoga or any other alternative therapies, it is true that there is a small percentage of people that have an inclination to mysticism but before contacting some therapists that use quit smoking by hypnosis techniques try to find out the side effects of such a quit smoking by hypnosis treatment. The truth that any medic or scientist can confirm is that we know little or nothing at all about mysticism and what it involves. You can search for opinions on the Internet and you will find that many share my opinion underlaying the dangers that can appear if you try quit smoking by hypnosis. However, if you come to work with a true professional, quit smoking by hypnosis may work as it is said to eliminate the desire to smoke from the most inner levels of the subconscious.

Is free stop smoking hypnosis any good or safe?

Smoking is one of the biggest problems that troubles our modern society as more than 4 million people die every year from a smoking caused illness. Free stop smoking hypnosis is one of the most modern methods to fight nicotine. The cause of smoking is different for each individual as there is a variety of emotional and psychological factors involved. A personal problem can make one start smoking just like a very stressful life style. The free stop smoking hypnosis helps you from inside your own mind. If the smoking causes are within each individual doctors say that the cure is also there. So this is why any quit–smoking program comes with a lot of counseling for helping one overcome all the imminent difficulties. Some people are ready to try new free stop smoking hypnosis techniques and are pleased with the results. Let's see the pros and cons of free stop smoking hypnosis methods.

The problem with free stop smoking hypnosis treatments is that you don't really know what it really goes on during the procedure. Basically during free stop smoking hypnosis sessions the nicotine addiction should be eliminated from your subconscious. Maybe you've seen shows where a person is hypnotized and then makes some foolish things, all those happenings are real. About the method, yes, it can be useful, because the mind can simply be programmed to hate cigarettes but I wouldn't trust anyone to play with my mind. Theoretically free stop smoking hypnosis can be successfully applied to some patients and if you surf the Internet for opinions you will find a lot of happy stories as well as some complaints against this method. Presently a large number of free stop smoking hypnosis mp3s exist on various sites.

As I see it the only advantage to stop smoking hypnosis method over the classical treatments is that there are no side effects as those reported in the case of some nicotine-based substitutes. As a common disadvantage of the free stop smoking hypnosis mp3 files that can be found on the Internet is that you'll have to waste a lot of time listening to them. Usually about 6 hours of listening are needed every week so if you have this time to spend, the free stop smoking hypnosis might be the solution for you. However, it would be best to turn to a professional in the field, even if you have to pay for the procedure. Such organized non-free stop smoking hypnosis therapy shows results sooner than the free variants available on the Internet.